The cyber-attack on eBay is the world’s biggest online security breach where passwords, names, addresses and phone numbers of the company’s 145 million users have...
My1Login are exhibiting at Infosecurity Europe on April 29th – May 1st at Earls Court in London. You will find the team showcasing our Enterprise service at stand...
On Monday 7th April 2014, news of the Heartbleed bug broke. The bug affects roughly 70% of internet websites that transmit their data over a secure channel using...
German authorities have announced that they have discovered a list of 18 million email addresses and passwords that have been stolen in the countries latest major...
A disgruntled former employee of Microsoft was arrested last week for stealing secret information about Windows 8 and leaking it to a technology blogger before the...
A 15 month jail term has been handed to a man in China for stealing 18,974 yuan ($3,085) from online payments accounts. According to a press release from Songjiang...
ComiXology a digital comic distributor discovered a vast security breach during a recent company security review and upgrade. The company stated, in an email they...
On the 25th of February, a cybersecurity firm announced that it had uncovered a horde of 360 million stolen usernames and passwords for sale on cyber black markets.