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Forgotten Password leaves Delhi Police with Massive Admin Headache


Delhi Police failed to answer corruption complaints for 8 years because they had forgotten the password to an online complaints portal.

The Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) set up an online portal to manage complaints and send them to the correct department for the chief vigilance offer to handle. Each department was given a password to access the portal. The Indian Express Newspapers states that the Delhi Police did not know the password to access their portal or how to operate it, leaving over 600 complaints unanswered for eight years.

Thankfully, two senior police officers have received training on how to use the system and can now begin addressing the back log of cases, all 667 of them.

If only a password management solution, such as my1login had been in place, the CVC, could have easily and securely shared the login in details with the Delhi Police department, allowing them instant access to their portal. In addition to secure sharing, my1login would have allowed the Police department to self-reset their forgotten password and gain access to the portal. The CVC would also have an audit trail which would have shown that the Delhi Police had not been logging into their portal in 8 years.

my1logoPWMFB250my1login is a cloud based password manager that provides a secure way to store and access your business passwords. my1login uses AES 256 to encrypt your business passwords meaning they're impossible to decrypt and access without your encryption key (key phrase) which only you know. my1login resolves the problem of remembering multiple logins, passwords and PINS by providing a safe way of accessing them via a highly secure portal.

my1login enables business users to to securely manage and, where authorised, share specific passwords for business applications using one login. The service also provides an audit trail of who has access to what and when, and makes it easy to cease employees when access is no longer required.

If you'd like to see how my1login can improve your business's online security and help protect you against hacks, try out the my1login password manager for free, or leave your email address and we'll send you an information pack.

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