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What is Enterprise Password Management (EPM)?



Enterprise Password Management (EPM) is a crucial aspect of cybersecurity that focuses on securing and managing the use of passwords within an organisation. As passwords remain one of the most common forms of authentication, their effective management is essential for safeguarding access to systems, applications and data. EPM solutions provide a structured approach to storing, generating and controlling passwords, aiming to mitigate the risks associated with weak or compromised credentials.

At the core of EPM is the centralised storage of passwords, often within an encrypted vault. This vault securely holds the passwords for various enterprise systems and applications, ensuring they are protected from unauthorised access. By using a centralised vault, organisations can enforce robust encryption standards and manage access to sensitive credentials more effectively. This eliminates the need for users to remember or manually store passwords, reducing the likelihood of insecure practices like writing passwords down or using easily guessable combinations.

EPM also emphasises strong password generation and policy enforcement. Enterprise password managers typically include tools for generating complex, random passwords that meet or exceed industry standards for strength and entropy. These tools help ensure that passwords are resistant to common attacks such as brute force or dictionary attacks. Additionally, EPM solutions enforce organisational policies regarding password length, complexity and expiration. This ensures that users create passwords that are not only strong but also changed regularly to minimise the risk of long-term exposure.

Automated password management is another key feature of EPM. This includes capabilities like automatic password rotation, which periodically updates passwords for critical systems and applications according to policy requirements. By automating this process, EPM reduces the administrative burden on IT staff and minimises the risk of human error.

Integration with Single Sign-On (SSO) and other identity management solutions enhances the functionality of EPM by simplifying access while maintaining security. When integrated with SSO, EPM can help manage passwords for applications that do not support modern authentication standards, allowing users to access these applications with a single, secure login. This integration reduces the number of passwords users need to manage, thereby decreasing the likelihood of password fatigue and risky behaviours like password reuse.

Monitoring and reporting are critical components of EPM, providing visibility into password usage and compliance. Enterprise Password Management solutions often include features for tracking password changes, access attempts, and usage patterns. This data is crucial for detecting suspicious activities, such as unauthorised attempts to access the password vault or changes to critical passwords.

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